other two tone decorations in this set two-tone candle decoration pattern two-tone candy-cane decoration pattern two-tone cracker decoration pattern two-tone crown decoration pattern

Two-Tone Tree Decoration (F3)

two-tone tree decoration


(A list of abbreviations is available.)

Cast on 1 stitch.

  1. Row 1: kfbf (3)
  2. Rows 2 to 4: k –
  3. Row 5: kfb, kfb, k1 (5)
  4. Rows 6 to 8: k –
  5. Row 9: kfb, k2, kfb, k1 (7)
  6. Rows 10 to 12: k –
  7. Row 13: kfb, k4, kfb, k1 (9)
  8. Rows 14 to 16: k –
  9. Rows 17 to 18: cast off 2, k –
  10. Row 19: kfb, k2, kfb, k1 (7)
  11. Rows 20 to 22: k –
  12. Row 23: kfb, k4, kfb, k1 (9)
  13. Rows 24 to 26: k –
  14. Row 27: kfb, k6, kfb, k1 (11)
  15. Rows 28 to 30: k –
  16. Rows 31 to 32: cast off 2, k –
  17. Row 33: kfb, k4, kfb, k1 (9)
  18. Rows 34 to 36: k –
  19. Row 37: kfb, k6, kfb, k1 (11)
  20. Rows 38 to 40: k –
  21. Row 41: kfb, k8, kfb, k1 (13)
  22. Rows 42 to 44: k –

Cast off remaining stitches.

Make two identical pieces following the above pattern.

Embroider the design and make up as per the instructions for the Two-Tone Set.